Adventures in Babysitting a movie website :D, be afraid....very afraid

Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Star is Born.....The Genesis of Part-1

I was a few days away from turning 24, a few days away from starting work as a script researcher for a movie production house & a few weeks away from starting my 3D animation course plus the Dark Knight was more than a month away. I had a lot of time to kill & i was so engrossed in watching movies & playing on the XBOX that doing something constructive was the last thing on my mind. That was until Tarpin hit me with this idea....


Who's Tarpin?

Like i mentioned in my previous post was started by two guys, one was me & the other guy who's name i shall not reveal (he has a hideously deformed face & is a wanted necrophiliac in 13 different countries.....just kidding!!!) but in all further posts i'll refer to the great "he-who-shall-not-be-named" as Tarpin. Don't complain about the name, it was just the first thing that popped into my head & i put it down.

So that's settled, now going back to the tale....

As i was saying before it was Tarpin who really gave me the nudge i had needed for a long time. I was seduced by the dark side & before I knew it I was part of something I initially understood little about.

The first brief conversation went something like this;

Tarpin: Hey dudeeeee (he really drags out his dudes) wassup?

Me: Nothing man, the heat's been killing me. (That summer had been unbearably hot)

Tarpin: Dudeeeee you still into movies and all?

Me: Uh, yeah, i mean like the list is at something like 2000+ movies at the moment. (Trying a fake modest demeanor & "The List" shall be expanded upon later too)

Tarpin: Aahh awesome, can you give me a few movies like uh......blah blah blah.

Me: Sure, anytime….. (Normally I hate giving my DVDs to anyone since I’m kind of obsessed about keeping them scratch free, something which most people care little about, but then he made that puppy dog face & I gave in)

Tarpin: Cool dude, by the way have you thought about writing about movies? Maybe online?

Me: Like a blog? (I had just deleted my previous blog a few months back) Naa, not really.

Tarpin: No dude, like on a real website. I can set one up for you & you can start working on it. You know so much about movies & people know you’re ‘THE’ guy to go to for any movie related information. Imagine the number of people you’d be able to reach out to if you started writing online & running your own website you’d be able to pretty much do anything.

*The devil starts to seduce the naïve young man with promises of limitless power & riches*

Me: Hmmm….”in-te-resting” (playing with my goatee & giving that serious-lost-in-deep-thought look) Let me think about it….

*The devil smiles with glee, a wicked laughter rings out in his head*

Tarpin: Anytime dude, you know my number, think about it & gimme a call…..

There wasn’t much really to think about, the Devil/Tarpin had already shown me the path I had always dreamed of & I jumped at without giving much thought to what hurdles lay ahead.

So with the first step been taken was on its way….

In the next post I’d give you a better idea about Tarpin & Me, do keep reading….


Ruchi said...


hehehehe..can't wait to read more!!

'Tarpin!!!!' heheeheh

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